AI prompt példák - ChatGPT, Claude
Ezekkel a példa promptokkal nagyon egyszerűen tudtam sok hasznos kódot generálni, legyen szó Powershell scriptekről, egyszerű HTML játékokról vagy grafikus ábrákról! Ez az én módszertanom és vegyétek úgy ahogy leírtam, felelősséget nem vállalok a használatukért ;)

Amennyiben nem rémülsz meg egy kis kalandtól olvass tovább!
Szükséged lesz egy chatGPT fiókra és egy claude.ai fiókra, ha ki akarod ezeket próbálni, de chatGPT helyett használhatsz másik LLM-et is (Gemini, Llama, copilot stb.). Mikor elkészül egy kód, ezt tudjuk ellenőrizni a chatGPT segítségével, hogy mit tartalmaz és laikusként is észrevehetjük, ha van benne valami logikai bukfenc vagy turpisság.

Első prompt (ChatGPT):
Írj nekem egy rövid agendat egy olyan workshopra ami 1.5 óra hosszú és azt akarom bemutatni, milyen egyszerű és gyors a Claude AI-val programot írni. Adj 5 ötletet powershell script összerakáshoz AI-val amit egy alap windows gépen lefuttatva érdekes dolgokat tudunk kimenteni egy táblába mondjuk a gép helyzetképéről és specifikációiról vagy valami információbiztonsághoz kapcsolatos dolgot. Írj 5 ötletet valami nagyon alap HTML, Java kódra amivel valami interaktív kis egyszerű app-ot/játékot rakunk össze, illetve írj 5 ötletet valamilyen folyamat vagy algoritmus összeállítására, amit vizuálisan megjelenítünk a claude-ban.
Második prompt (ChatGPT):
Írj nekem részletes promptokat az összes ötletehez a Claude AI-hoz (angolul). A felépítése kövesse a mostani legfrissebb és legrészletesebb válaszokat adó promptolási technikákat. Használd a STAR módszertant vagy más hasonlót.
Ezek után már a ChatGPT fog nektek adni instrukciókat amivel tudtok tovább menni, itt vannak azok amiket én kaptam a Claude-hoz: Powershell
Write a PowerShell script that gathers and outputs the following details about a Windows computer: CPU model, available memory, total storage, free storage, and OS version. Organize the output in a CSV file with column headers for each data point. Use only native PowerShell commands, and name the CSV file `System_Specs.csv`.
Create a PowerShell script that lists all active network connections, including IP addresses, ports, and connection states. Export this data to a CSV file named `Active_Network_Connections.csv` with each field in a separate column. Use only native PowerShell commands.
Write a PowerShell script that retrieves a list of all installed software with their names and versions. Output this information to a CSV file named `Installed_Software.csv` with separate columns for software name and version. Use only native PowerShell commands.
Generate a PowerShell script that scans the Event Viewer for recent user activity, specifically login events and other user actions. Save this information in `User_Activity_Log.csv` with columns for timestamp, username, and event description. Use only built-in PowerShell commands.
Generate a PowerShell script that scans the Event Viewer for recent user activity, specifically login events and other user actions. Save this information in `User_Activity_Log.csv` with columns for timestamp, username, and event description. Use only built-in PowerShell commands.
Create a PowerShell script that retrieves the current status of key security settings, including firewall status and password policies. Export this information to a CSV file named `Security_Settings.csv` with columns for each setting and its status. Use only native PowerShell commands.
Develop a PowerShell script to extract recent security-related events from the Event Viewer on a Windows machine. The script should capture events from the 'Security' log that occurred within the past 24 hours, outputting event ID, time generated, and a brief description. Organize the output into a CSV file. Make sure the script is commented to guide a beginner in PowerShell.
Create a PowerShell script that checks and logs disk space usage across all drives on a Windows machine. The script should output a summary in a CSV format with columns for drive name, total space, used space, and free space. Include a brief explanation of the script's logic to assist beginners in understanding how each section works.
Write a PowerShell script that identifies all currently active network connections on a Windows machine. The script should list each connection's local IP, remote IP, and status. Please ensure the output is in a table format and explain any special commands used, as this will be for a beginner’s PowerShell workshop.
Create HTML and JavaScript code for a simple web application that lets users enter a mathematical equation and displays the graph of that equation. The HTML should include an input box for the equation, a "Plot" button, and a canvas area to display the graph. Use JavaScript to parse and plot the equation, updating the graph based on user input. Include any necessary JavaScript libraries for graphing, like Plotly.js or Chart.js, to make the graphing process smooth and dynamic.
Create a simple HTML and JavaScript webpage that displays the current time, updating every second. Make sure the time is formatted in hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM) and placed in a prominent location on the page. Include comments to guide a beginner through the HTML and JavaScript elements.
Build a basic calculator app using HTML and JavaScript. The app should have buttons for numbers 0-9 and basic operations (+, -, *, /) along with a 'Clear' button. Display the result at the top of the calculator. Provide comments in the code to make it beginner-friendly, explaining each function used.
Create HTML and JavaScript code for a simple web application that lets users enter a mathematical equation and displays the graph of that equation. The HTML should include an input box for the equation, a "Plot" button, and a canvas area to display the graph. Use JavaScript to parse and plot the equation, updating the graph based on user input. Include any necessary JavaScript libraries for graphing, like Plotly.js or Chart.js, to make the graphing process smooth and dynamic.
Create a basic rock-paper-scissors game using HTML and JavaScript. The player chooses rock, paper, or scissors, and the computer makes a random choice. Display the result showing who won or if it was a draw. Provide comments to help beginners understand the code.
Create a simple Pac-Man game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game should have the following features:
1. A small grid-based maze where Pac-Man can move up, down, left, or right.
2. Dots scattered throughout the maze for Pac-Man to collect.
3. Basic collision detection so that Pac-Man can’t move through walls.
4. A scoring system that increases as Pac-Man eats dots.
5. Optionally, add a simple ghost that moves randomly and ends the game if it collides with Pac-Man.
Keep the code modular and include comments to help beginners understand how each part works, especially how movement, collision detection, and scoring are implemented.

Mermaid - folyamat ábrák
Visualize an access control decision-making flowchart. This flow should start with a user login request, then evaluate their credentials, and check for proper authorization. Each decision should have clear visual labels, with a ‘Deny’ and ‘Grant Access’ endpoint. Make sure each step in the process is explained so beginners understand access control logic.
Create a visualization of data flow in a simple network security model. Show key elements like a user’s device, firewall, and database server. Illustrate how data travels through the firewall, reaches the server, and back to the user, including security checkpoints. Explain each element’s purpose so it’s understandable for someone new to network security.
Design a step-by-step visualization of a password encryption and decryption process, using Claude AI to describe each stage. Start with plaintext, then show encryption to ciphertext, and decryption back to plaintext. Ensure each step has clear labels and explanations to help a beginner understand the basics of encryption.
Design a step-by-step visualization of a password encryption and decryption process, using Claude AI to describe each stage. Start with plaintext, then show encryption to ciphertext, and decryption back to plaintext. Ensure each step has clear labels and explanations to help a beginner understand the basics of encryption. Az eredményt magyarul kérem
Create a visual flowchart that outlines the process of a NASA rocket launch. The flowchart should include all key phases, from pre-launch preparations to post-launch activities. Please cover each major step with descriptions, including:
1. Pre-Launch Preparations: Steps like final system checks, weather assessments, and launch readiness verifications.
2. Countdown Sequence: Key countdown milestones and activities leading up to ignition.
3. Launch: Describe ignition, initial ascent, and any early-stage separations.
4. Stage Separations: Outline the sequence and timing of rocket stage separations as the rocket ascends.
5. Orbit Insertion or Target Achievement: Final positioning of the rocket or spacecraft into the designated orbit or trajectory.
6. Post-Launch Monitoring and Data Collection: Describe how NASA tracks and collects data on the mission after launch.
Ensure each step is clearly labeled with visual elements for decisions or actions to help guide a beginner through the process. Include brief explanations of each step’s purpose and why it’s critical in the launch sequence.
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